
Build your career in a wide variety of fields and prepare to lead in artificially intelligent technologies. Join fellow forward thinkers at Kettering working in AI research and applications that may be applied to an extraordinarily wide range of industries, 包括汽车娱乐, 卫生保健, 甚至是金融, 房地产及其他行业.


人工智能已经成为一种无处不在的技术,正在为我们的世界提供新的动力, 每天都有突破性的方法. 每一个人工智能机制的背后都有一个创新者在进行挑战, 令人兴奋的人工智能研发工作,使这些设备成为现实.

如果创造和测试下一个智能系统——可能是自动驾驶汽车, 智能医疗设备或股票交易系统-激励您, a degree that includes artificial intelligence courses and lab work can help you build the career of your dreams.




人工智能, 或人工智能, is the branch of Computer Science that derives its inspiration from biological systems to solve highly complex problems. 人工智能有很多方面, 包括搜索算法, 知识表示, 推理和学习. 学习领域是最为人所知的,它可以有多种形式, from Genetic Algorithms that emulate evolution to Deep Learning neural networks that mimic the neural pathways of the brain. 这些形式甚至包括模仿蚁群的基于群体的算法. 目前, deep neural nets have captured the imagination of researchers and have provided incredible breakthroughs in neuroscience and beyond.

AI systems also allow us to do everything from controlling the temperature in our homes to analyzing data. 人们对……越来越感兴趣 移动技术, which include everything from self-driving vehicles and software that improves battery life for electric cars to vehicles that can detect — and respond to — pedestrians and other objects in the roadway. 


理解 人工智能背后的技术——以及如何使用它——绝非易事. 在凯特林的人工智能程序中, 然而, you can develop a deep understanding of the technologies within AI before taking your work to the next level through AI research. 通过你在实验室的工作, 你可以测试新的理论,探索人工智能新的或改进的用途,帮助我们为未来提供动力.



人工智能正在被世界各地的行业和社区所采用,它的好处仍然很大, 根据麦肯锡全球研究所的一份报告. 几乎每个工业部门都受到将人工智能纳入其流程的影响. Its recent study and report also suggest that AI adoption is increasing the most among companies headquartered in growing economies, 包括中国, 中东和北非.

As more companies and organizations around the world implement AI in their products and business operations, they’ll need knowledgeable engineers with hands-on training and experience in AI and AI research to carry out their work.



从安全系统和机器人真空吸尘器到汽车控制系统, “人工智能正变得像软件在过去几十年里一样无处不在,博士说。. 迈克·法默,正规的赌博app计算机科学系主任.


为了让我们的生活更轻松、更好、更安全,我们依赖于许多使用人工智能的设备. 工作保障之外, 选修人工智能课程, conducting AI research and completing an artificial intelligence program at Kettering can help you develop new technologies or improve current mechanisms to sustain these benefits in the future.



人工智能的未来是光明的, 并且需要熟练的人才, knowledgeable professionals who have completed artificial intelligence programs extends across nearly every industry, 从医疗保健到政府,从游戏到汽车行业. 根据 《正规的赌博app》, 未来五年,需要人工智能或机器学习技能的工作预计将增加71%.



人工智能 algorithms are the brains of all the smart devices and systems that employ AI techniques. 理解 how these algorithms work and when to employ them are critical skills for a successful career in AI. 这些算法可用于广泛的应用, 从物流供应链管理, 市场研究, 智能家居和设备, 自动驾驶.


If discovering new AI concepts and forward-thinking ways to apply AI — or managing or coordinating these functions — and more sounds exciting to you, 探索如何成为一名人工智能研究人员. 

“你可以把人工智能应用到任何地方,”凯特林电子与计算机工程学院的博士说. 公园. “在密歇根, 尤其是在汽车行业, 各公司正在开发自己的自动驾驶程序. 他们正在寻找有人工智能背景的工程师.”


人工智能组件需要工程师创建软件和硬件来运行. This may include everything from embedded computer systems in smart phones and GPS navigation systems to autonomous cars and medical diagnostic devices.


人工智能的一个相关领域是数据科学. 数据科学是对大型数据集的分析,以发现数据中的模式和趋势.

We experience 数据科学 algorithms every time we are recommended products to buy on Amazon or movies to watch on Netflix. 作为数据科学, 如人工智能, 影响了这么多行业, 几乎每个经济领域都有数据科学家的就业机会. 


人工智能程序可以帮助你把今天的自动驾驶汽车提升到一个新的水平. 凯特林的米.S. 《正规的赌博app》教你如何改进汽车系统和驱动它们的人工智能.

在他们众多的任务中, 机器学习工程师研究从大量数据中学习的算法, identify patterns and make predictions using new data for everything from autonomous driving to voice/gesture recognition. 他们在像我们这样的人工智能课程的帮助下获得这些知识.




了解各种各样的AI算法, 人与人之间的互动, 机器和环境, 在我们尖端的实验室里还有更多. We developed these learning facilities to become hubs where students and faculty members have the space to discover and create innovative solutions for the future of technology, 交通运输及其他行业.



在凯特林, 我们的教师致力于帮助像你这样的学生学习人工智能, 完整人工智能研究, 并在工程和人工智能领域建立有益且具有挑战性的职业生涯.

在这里, you’ll take artificial intelligence courses with renowned faculty members who are also actively completing AI research of their own.



如果你想从事人工智能项目, 很有可能你对这个领域的兴趣超越了课堂. 在凯特林, we offer a variety of student groups and competition teams where you’ll have the chance to meet like-minded classmates, 设计自动驾驶或电动汽车, 参加通用汽车和其他公司的比赛,以招收来自其他大学的学生.




传统的校车安全问题可能已经成为过去. A group of undergraduate computer science students at 正规的赌博app are developing a system to implement cheap, 校车上可靠的人工智能系统.


The project focuses on creating a computing platform to enhance vehicles’ artificial intelligence so that they will be able to predict what other vehicles will do and make better choices. The team will first focus on autonomous vehicles with the hope the technology eventually can be deployed to non-autonomous vehicles.


正规的赌博app的自动驾驶团队, 斗牛犬螺栓, is ready to take what they learned during the competition’s first challenge and excel in the second one.


凯特林团队在SAE MobilityForward: AI迷你挑战赛中获得多项奖项

正规的赌博app’s team took first place in the Solutions Showcase category of the inaugural Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) MobilityForward: AI Mini-Challenge. The competition is designed to encourage students to think critically about and apply data science techniques to emerging technology issues relevant to the mobility industry.


The KU Bulldog Intelligent Ground Vehicle (IGVC) Competition Team turned in a "great performance" in just its second year participating in the four-day IGVC event at Oakland University.

该队在自动驾驶挑战赛中获得第二名, 赢得了莱斯科奖杯的大奖, 自驾设计大赛第四名.

快速准确的诊断:Steve Schwartz和genomena提供了一种救命的技术

Steve Schwartz(08届)和genomena, 他共同创立的公司, are saving lives with technology that allows diagnosticians to quickly review millions of scientific articles to make accurate diagnoses and find appropriate treatments for rare genetic diseases.


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